Nations with jurisdictional members
The jurisdictions below have entered into relationship with the Old Roman Catholic Church in Great Britain, as the church descended from Archbishop Mathew. They also have a historic link to Old Roman Catholicism. Their inclusion here recognizes each jurisdiction’s right of governance without subordination to the British Church or complete uniformity in areas of doctrine or liturgy. They are included here because of their relationship to the British Church and may not have an individual relationship with each other.
The Old Roman Catholic Church
Incorporating the Old Roman Catholic Church in Great Britain | Primate: Most Reverend William Myers, SSM | www.oldromancatholic.org.uk
The Old Roman Catholic Church English Rite
Primate: Most Reverend Floyd Kortenhof
The Old Roman Catholic Church Latin Rite
Primate: Most Reverend George Roberts | https://orcclatinrite.weebly.com
The Priestly Society of Mercy
An Old Roman Catholic inter-jurisdictional society of apostolic life. Members are from the Old Roman Catholic tradition.
Superior General: Most Reverend William Myers, SSM | www.ssmercy.org